Thalaathatul-Usool (The Three Fundamental Principles)

Thalaathatul-Usool (The Three Fundamental Principles) is one of the famous books on AQEEDAH. Without doubt the three fundamental principles of Islam are amongst the most important matters that every person will be asked about; ‘Who is your Lord?’, ‘What is your religion?’ and ‘Who is your Prophet?’. So, its obligatory upon mankind to know its…

Ramadan Crescent Moon has been sighted

NEWS | The Crescent Moon has been sighted. #Ramadan 1443 will begin tonight. The first night of Taraweeh prayers will commence in Quba Masjid after ‘Isha. May Allāh ﷻ accept our siyām, qiyām & acts of worship and may He grant us the ability to utilise every precious moment of this Blessed month to engage…

Chapter of Fasting

With Ramadan fast approaching we ask Allah to allow us to reach it. To be best prepared for this blessed month, we have Ibrahim Ibn AbdiDahir al-Hanbali covering the chapter on fasting from umdatul-Ahkam every Friday. ?? LOCATION: Quba masjid, Hayes? TIME: Every Friday, 6pm

40 Hadith of Glorifying the Quran

The 40 Hadith’s of Glorifying the Holy Quran ? ♥️ Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian. [Qur’an 15:9] ♥️ With the conclusion of the 40 Hadith of Imam Nawawi. We have @mohamedamoalim covering Forty Hadith glorifying the Holy Quran. Come benefit in this 6-week course…

Means of Acquiring Refined Morals

Undeniably, changing one’s morals for the better is the toughest change for the human being, but it is not impossible. There are many ways and methods to help one acquire refined morals, which include the following: Pure creed: Having a pure creed is a serious matter, as one’s conduct and behavior are, very often, the…

Enhancing zuhd in Ramadan

Let us welcome the blessed month of Ramadan this time with a fresh commitment to our Merciful Creator and Sustainer to reorient our lives in His way. The most salient lesson of this month of divine training for the believers is self-restraint and abstinence. As we train ourselves in abstinence from the necessities of life…

Virtues of Seeking Knowledge

Allah Almighty says (what means): {Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge – [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.}[Quran 3: 18] {So know [O Muhammad] that there is no deity except Allah…