Enhancing zuhd in Ramadan

Let us welcome the blessed month of Ramadan this time with a fresh commitment to our Merciful Creator and Sustainer to reorient our lives in His way. The most salient lesson of this month of divine training for the believers is self-restraint and abstinence. As we train ourselves in abstinence from the necessities of life…

Maintaining Discipline in Worship

‘Abdullah would rise before Fajr (dawn) each morning and rush to the Mosque to offer the prayer. He would return to the Mosque for Maghrib (sunset) and ‘Ishaa’ (evening) prayers as well. He read the Quran daily. He studied other Islamic books in his spare time. He spent much of his free time with his…

Roughness Leads to Disunity

Roughness is a dispraised attribute that implies bad manners. It causes disunity and estrangement among people and severs that which Allah The Almighty ordered to be maintained. Moreover, it has destroyed many households and separated many families. Many people who may love each other have nonetheless been afflicted with roughness and alienation due to harsh…